Monday, September 29, 2008
Model Kits....Do You Know Them?
Collecting model kits is really fun, although it is a bit expensive. Have you made any model kit? If not, try to do it!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Deaf But Diligent
Chocolate the Movie
source :
Long Holiday, Assignments and Games..
BUT... heck... "HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENTS ARE WAITING". Lots of assignments like programming principles and academic english(of course^^). The hardest one is programming principles. I know some of you already finish this assignment easily but it's hard for me. Ah... I have to make a program with binary numbers and factorial. Well maybe I should finish academic english first since it's only descriptive paragraph and presentation which is due in 31st October..
Ok, but after I finish academic english, can I do the hardest one....?? I have lots of new games in my PC. My internet connection offers "free connection" at 8.00PM until 8.00AM and with that I can download lots of things including games. It's hard for me to resist that temptations.
well... I just hope I can finish it on time.... can someone help me to do the programming assignments...???
Friday, September 26, 2008
Now, have you ever wonder that in every country you visit, KFC branches there have a similar menu but different enough to differentiate from your home country. I have ever once eaten at their restaurants in Thailand, and I really regret it. Its taste is a little spicy but sour, typical Thailand’s food. It really did not taste nice to my tongue and I simply will not touch that food ever again. They are implementing what we call a marketing strategy to improve their brand in one country. KFC learn the traditions and local culture of the people where the branches are located, for example KFC Indonesia has the menu of rice and fried chicken where people from USA may confuse of, that in their home country KFC will serve you fried chicken with French fries or soup but here, They give us rice as our culture in Indonesia is to eat with rice.
KFC Indonesia also gives choices of fried chicken you want to choose, spicy or not. They learn that Indonesian’s people love spicy food and they try to combine it with their menu and they are successful now in stealing the hearts many Indonesian people for fried chicken fast food. They really do the ancient idiom of “when in Rome, do as the Roman do” and steal the heart of the local people. I personally think KFC in Indonesia is the one that suits my tongue the most than any other country. A good marketing strategy application contributed most of his success, I believe.
Chandra, H.(2008). Marketing untuk Orang Awam®. Palembang, Indonesia :Maxicom.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Scrum & Line Out
A line-out is the means by which, in rugby union, the ball is put back into play after it has gone into touch. It is the equivalent of the throw in football (wikipedia). The maximum player that can be use in a line out are depends on the team throwing in the ball, the opposing team cannot have more than that number although they could opted to use less person on the line out. So the teams will form 2 straight parrarel line about 10 meters from the touch line ( a.k.a out of bound line ), each team players are about half a meter in their line of touch ( there is an imaginary line where the line outs are occur ), so there will be about 1 meter distance between the 2 teams in line out. Then, a player from the throwing team will throw the ball straight into the middle, to the gap between the 2 teams. And it has to be straight, if not, it will be retaken. In a rugby match, a line out ussually uses a lot of code to determined where is the ball gonna be thrown out to. Is it going to be high, low, Far back or to the guy in front is up to the guy who throws in the ball. Ussually in a line out, you will see people got lifted up into the air in order to catch the ball. It's one of the most unique position in rugby. So people ussually remembers line out.
Another unique position is scrum, it's probably the most popular position in rugby. People will remember this position even though they know nothing about rugby. Scrum is a means to restarting play after a minor infrigment. It involve 8 players from the forward pack binding together forming 3 rows and interlocking with the opposition team forward pack doing the same thing. Teams can be penalise if they intentionally causing the scrum to collapse. A scrum ussually awarded if a there was a forward pass or when the ball a failed to come out in ruck and maul. Scrum is a very dangerous position, i remember what my coach says to me before my first rugby tounament. He says that if the scrum are collapse, try to break your nose, if you try to avoid breaking your nose you might broke your neck. It may souds scary, but if we are already well trained than it minimize the risk of that happening significantly.
The team bind together forming 3 rows which are called front row, second row and back row. Before we move on, let me tell you an important information because on the next paragraph i will also tell you guys a bit about the positions in rugby. The position on rugby are based on the number. Number 1 & 3 are called the prop, number 2 is the hooker, number 4 & 5 are called locks, number 6 & 7 are called flanker and the number 8 is called the number 8. number 1-8 are called the forward pack, number 9-15 are called backs. I will explain about the position of backs in my future entry.
So, the first row are formed by number 1, 2 & 3. It consist of 2 prop bind together by the hooker. Ussually the props are the heaviest and biggest guy on the team, they provide a stable platform for the scrum because they are heavy. The hooker ussually shorter than the props, his job is to 'hook' the ball. So if he is shorter than the props, it easier for him to lift his feet off the ground in scrum. The second row consist of the 2 locks and the 2 flanker. Number 4 & 5 are the locks, the locks job is to 'lock' the scrum and provide the push forward, ussually the locks are the tallest guys in your team. Because they are the ones that are lifted of the ground in line out. The Flankers have less obligation to push in a scrum, it is important for flankers to be able to break from the scrum quickly and tackle the oposition backs of they win the ball. So the flanker ussually are fast yet they are still considerably heavy, they are ussually have the meanest tackle in the team. the number 8 controls the direction of the scrum, they are ussually tall, big and athletic. They also have less responsibility to push the scrum, it is also important for them to break quickly from the scrum and tackle the enemy backs if the oposition wins the ball.
I think that is all for line outs and scrum, maybe on my next entry i will talk more about the position. and thank you for reading this blog.
source :
BLACKOUT!!! My nemesis ever...
Actually this is not my first time having blackout at the bad time. When I was in senior high, precisely when I was having pre-UAN, there was a blackout too. That was worse, the blackout started at 7 AM until 3 AM, in other words 18 hours!? Give me a break. At that time, after I came back from school, I can't take a bath because the water runs out. Its because the water pump stopped working since there was a blackout. I can't even wash my hands... Can you imagine that? And another problem came to my mind, I had to study for pre-UAN but the emergency light could only last for 2 hours. Until 9 PM, the light still off... I had studied only a few things. I decided to give up and rest. I think that's the best way to do after all. Preserving my stamina to face the test. And I'm really confident at the test too, since it's Chemistry and English test. I'm pretty good at it actually. But even so, I'm still disappointed because I couldn't do my best at that time. Well, at least I didn't get <6 marks on the subject.
I'm just hoping that PLN won't give another trouble in the future, especially when there will be an exam going on.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pirate King Online closed beta......
Now, this is a bit storyline of the Pirate King Online. Based on 5000 years of background history with Piracy as its central theme, Pirate King Online lets players have a fruitful navigating experience as well as exploration of the unknown. This fully 3D designed multiplayer online game is comical in nature and has humorous looking characters and creatures. The game is painted in bright and beautiful colors. The exaggerated movements and actions of characters as well as objects, topped with an atmosphere that is overall relaxed, the game makes it always interesting and fresh for new and old players alike. There are also different styles, themes and architecture for the different towns, islands and dungeons. The multitude of elements designed captivates players and keeps them immersed while they explore all different possibilities available in game.
If you like to play Ragnarok, then you should try this game. Because the graphic is similar to Ragnarok and again you won't need a good graphic card to play this. Only an average graphic card is okay, for further information you can visit So, hurry download and install it!!
Btw my nickname in Pirate King Online is Nishin0. You can whisp me if you play Pirate King Online. Thx.....
Source from :
Monday, September 22, 2008
First Quiz!!!! What do you think?
First one, Introduction to IT... 2 chapters and 2 additional chapters (I think)... and the test was still "easy". The second one, linear algebra, 1 chapter consist of two materials - elimination and matrices. I did the matrices question very fast, but I stuck at elimination. I already did my best to do the last two numbers of elimination, but I can't make it. Time is up and I collected my paper to the lecturer. The second one was harder than the first one. Maybe because the second one was math, so I have to think harder.
I guess I have to study harder for the next linear algebra quiz...
SO, how about you guys??? can you do the quizzes??
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Write codes, compile, and.......CRASH !!
Yesterday I was trying to do the programming princples' assignment at page 101 number 3.32. We have to make a program which can convert binary number into decimal number. Actually, I have made the program, and it was succeed. But I am still not satisfied because my codes are too long. I used "if statement" a lot. Steven said that you can made it with looping which should make the codes shorter than mine. Immediately I tried to remake my program with looping. You know what happen next? After I compiled it, a pop-up window appeared and it said that my program need to be closed. I think there was a mistake about my codes, so I tried again. Unfortunately it became worse than before.....After I compiled it, my computer restarted. I don't know where I do it wrong.
Writing codes is fun, but be careful not to crash your computer like I did. I think it would be better if we wait for sir Charles Lim to explain us how to use Virtual Machine.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Cosplay! do you know?
Nov Takahashi was the one who invented the word "cosplay". He was so impressed by the hall and masquerade costuming there that he reported about it frequently in Japanese science fiction magazines.
In Japan, there are some places to gather with friends that has the same hobby. Beside at public events such as game show you can also find some cosplayers (cosplay participants) at cosplay parties at nighclubs or in amusement parks. It's also very common to Japanese teenagers to gather and engage cosplay in Tokyo's Harajuku district. Another famous place for cosplay is Tokyo's Akihabara district (I really want to go there!). since 1998, that place has become the "paradise" for anime freaks and cosplay freaks. In that place you can find a lot of cosplay cafes where the waitresses there dress as anime characters or "maid" costumes are particularly popular. So if you go to Japan, don't be confused that cosplay is a typical behaviour in Japan, especially in crowded places because cosplay was originated in Japan in 1978.
one of the trends in cosplay is called "crossdress" where female dress as male characters while male dress as female characters. i don't really like this kind of trend especially for male crossdress. A fat guy acted as a cute girl... wow.. he really have a lot of guts to do it and when you see the picture, it can make me sick.
Cosplay in Indonesia
The first cosplay activity started in early 2000 when Gelar Jepang Universitas Indonesia (Indonesian University Japan Culture) added cosplay as one of its main events. It started attracting attention of a few youngsters who built their own costumes and showed them at the events.
Indonesian cosplayers form groups and that make dramatic presentations using their costumes, called a cabaret. The event is normally held by a university or local magazine. Cosplay events are frequently held in Jakarta, Bandung, and Bogor.Cosplay in Indonesia is still not as great as in Japan because not all the people in this country knows what a cosplay is and it is still hard to find a cosplay shop in Indonesia. Cosplayer in Indonesia usually make their own costumes or buy the materials and give it to a tailor to make it.
to know more about cosplay, just try the sources that I use:
or just google it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Charles, Charles, and more Charles!!!
Here the first, you have mention his name today in our class, Sir. The name Charles Dickens. His full name is Charles John Huffam Dickens. Acclaimed as one of history's greatest novelist. His famous works were 'Oliver Twist', A Christmas Carol', 'A Tale of Two Cities, and 'David Copperfield'. He was born on 7 Feb 1812 in Landport, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England (now the Dickens Birthplace Museum). He is the second from 8 children (the first is Frances, followed by Alfred Allen, Letitia Mary, Harriet, Frederick William, Alfred Lamert, and Augustus Newnham) of John Dickens , a clerk in the Navy Pay Office at Portsmouth, and his wife, Elizabeth nee Barrow. His father once imprison in Marshalsea Prison (for debtor only) because of a debt but released by inheritance from Charles's grandmother, Elizabeth Dickens. Because his father was in prison and all the family followed John except Charles, he had to work in a shoe factory to support the family. After his father released, he go to Wellington House Academy in North London. But his mother insist that he go on working. This made Charles's childhood live unhappy (which give him idea to make autobiographical novel, David Copperfield). He started to work in the law office of Ellis and Blackmore as an articled clerk. When he was 17, he became a court stenographer (a person who write quickly with symbols to record people's words). Met his first love, Maria Beadnell, but ended because Maria's parents sent her to school in Paris. After that he became a political journalist in Morning Chronicle. In March 1836, he make the serial of his first novel, 'The Pickwick Papers'. On 2 Apr 1836, he married Catherine Thompson Hogarth, the daughter of his friend, George Hogarth, editor of the Evening Chronicle, in St. Luke in Chelsea. Set up home in Bloomsbury and had 10 children (the first is Charles Culliford Boz, later known as Charles Dickens Jr., the author of Dicken's Dictionary of London, followed by Mary Angela, Kate Macready, Walter Landor, Francis Jeffrey, Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson, Sydney Smith Haldimand , (Sir) Henry Fielding, Dora Annie, and Edward Bulwer Lytton who became a member of New South Wales state parliament (all thier surname are Dickens)). Catherine younger sister, Mary, offer to support the household. Charles became attached to Mary, but she died in the age of 17 in Charles's arms because of illness (she become a character in many Charles's books). He died on 9 June 1890 in Gad's Hill Place, Higham, Kent, England. A place where he bought a big house to live in and also has a scene of some events from Shakespeare's Henry IV , which pleased him.
Ok, that is the first "Charles". If you have any request(s) on some "Charles", please notify me and I will try to seek them. Feel free to post other "Charles" if you want. Thank you for reading.
Source : and
Jason Becker : The Unlucky Guitarist
Album Review : "The Con"
The songs as a whole are very catchy,weird sounding and impossible to get out of your head. The New York Times had this to say: "Somehow “The Con” is even more obsessive sounding than Tegan and Sara’s earlier work, and it’s probably even better; it could well be one of the year’s best albums. There are plenty of albums to like, but this (fittingly enough) is one to obsess over."
I definitely agree with this statement, The Con is an album that I was obsessed with and catapulted Tegan and Sara into becoming my top band. Tegan and Sara are not very well-known in the mainstream world but that doesn't mean the quality of their music is lesser. This album impacted me greatly and made me fall in love with music all over again.
The Con, despite its title, is honest music. (Under The Radar, Summer 2007, p.77)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New Expansion for one of the Hottest Online Game!
What is WoW all about? As a massively multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft enables thousands of players to come together online and battle against the world and each other. Players from across the globe can leave the real world behind and undertake grand quests and heroic exploits in a land of fantastic adventure.
World of Warcraft -- Wrath of the Lich King -- will be in stores on November 13 in North America, Europe, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Russia, and on November 14 in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. The expansion will be available in Korea and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau on November 18, and the launch timing for China will be announced at a later date.
Wrath of the Lich King is the 2nd expansion Blizzard has produced. I'm anxious to get it soon.
It's a P2P game, Pay to Play. Even though it's P2p, i still want to play the game.
Valkyries "The Choosers of the Slain"
In the Norse Mythology,Valkyries are the sign of Choosers of the slain.It always a female and a deity.But in modern art,Valkyries are always described as beautiful young women riding a pegasus or winged horse and it also armored with helmet nad spears as their weapon, not only that,the women must be a deity as well,and they always served King Odin,their king.
What about their job?Yes they serve King Odin.They must be loyal to him,everytime,everywhere,although they know that their king is wrong.They have main reason is to determine the victors of battles and wars, and to choose the most heroic of those who had died in battle,So they really must fly over the battlefield and choose the corpses,and they use their spears if they are attacked during searching for the corpses and always armored if they are being attacked.Then there is also Freija(we always hear her name called freya),mistress of the slain,who choose half of the dead heroes to become her army,the rest must go to Valhalla and wait until they become an einherjar,a warrior to fight in Odin's side in the End of the World(Ragnarok).Valkyries must also act as a servant to King Odin,they must serve King Odin although when he is eating,they must serve drink and look after the tableware and drinking vessels.
So that's a little about Valkyries,now you know that Valkyries in the real history just like the same in the game "Valkyrie Profile"(if you play it).If you wanna know more the story just play the game or do some research more about Valyries.LOL.^^v
Bangkok Dangerous (2008)
Hellboy 2 : The Golden Army
Pocari Sweat
Pocari Sweat is an isotonic drink that is well known now in
On those 12 years, The Company did not give up to make this product well known in
Pocari Sweat is a unique drink actually it replaces ion on your body that is loosed when you are doing your activities. You body is mainly consists of water and those water have ions on it. Basically, by doing activities you loses your ions on the water and Pocari Sweat replaces it quickly rather than normal water. Because of the success of Pocari Sweat as an isotonic drink that also a healthy drink, many producers try to make a new product in
Chandra, H.(2008). Marketing untuk Orang Awam®.
Keep Your Eyes' Health
As computer scientists, we have to stay in front of our computer for a long time. You will eventually feel that your eyes are fatigued and your eyesight worsened.
Good news, I have found a useful software to answer that problem. It is called Eyesprotector. It's a freeware that you can download from the website I included below. It works as a reminder when we are using computer. If we use the computer for a period of time, set by the software, It will remind us to take a break or doing eyes gymnastics. The eyes gymnastics is really interesting. It shows a person's face doing eyes gymnastics, such as closing eyes, and winking.
I have been using this software for one week and I will always use it to keep my eyes healthy.
It is free and essential for us, so try it!
Monday, September 15, 2008
New MMORPG in Indonesia!!!
Yulgang (also known in the USA as Scions of Fate) is a Korean MMORPG. Developed by mGame, it is based on a Korean martial arts comic which shares its name.. The title of the game, Yulgang is an abbreviated form of the full title Yul-Hyul-Gang-Ho which means "hot-blooded-steaming-tiger." The subtitle "Balance of Power" refers to the two factions that are presented in the game: "The Order" and "Chaos." In China, the game is licensed to Beijing 17game Network, a subsidiary of CDC Games. This MMORPG charges no fee to play the game, but creates revenue through sale of virtual merchandise. As of February 14, 2007, the game is popular in China and Korea, with over 60 million registered players with servers active in Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and America
And for additional information, this game was made by the story of "Ruler of the Land" comic book. So, if you read "Ruler of the Land" what are you waiting for?!? Just download the client and install it on your PC or laptop. Have fun ^^Source from :
General Knowledge in Rugby
Let's start of with what is the golden rule in offense and this rule is also the golden rule in rugby. The golden rule is never ever pass the ball forward. It is the golden rule of rugby it self. If you know this rule than you can watch rugby and actually enjoy it. Because i remember in the past, when i watch rugby i used to frustrated. I mean, they keep trying to pass trough the defense by running straight. Why not just try to flank the defender from the side and one of our friends tha can pass the ball forward from wherever they are, much like in American football. But it never happened. So i used to get frustrated watching rugby because i think they are all stupid, but turn out i'm the one who is stupid. Because i don't kn

Move on to the second one, what is the golden rule in Defense ? If you are playing rugby, than you gonna hear people screaming about this rule a lot. The golden rule in defense is stay in one f***ing line. You are not gonna break any regulation if you are not in one line, but you will make it easy for your opponent to get pass your defense. Because the gap will be very clear. Your opponent can easily side step pass your defense, and run through your gap. That is why, it is essential to stay in one line in defense. If you guys watch old war movies like Gladiator or the patriot, they are also screaming about the same stuff in war, "stay in one line !". When i am playing rugby, sometimes i feel that i was in the battlefield of war.
The next one is about Ruck and Maul. My Coach said that 75% of a rugby game are made out of Ruck and Maul. He didn't said where did he get that statistic, but if you play rugby, you will understand why my coach said that. Because, it is pretty much what we do most of the time. For Definition, Ruck is formed when the ball is on the ground and one or more players from each team are on their feet and in physical contact, closing around the ball between them( and Maul is formed by one or more players from each team on their feet and in physical contact closing round a player who is carrying the ball( So basically, when you are watching a rugby game, and see a pile of people on the ground pushing each other, it is what you call a Ruck. And when you see a lot of people, i mean more than two, pushing each other while standing up, than what you see is a maul.
I still want to explain about line out and scrum, but i think that one is gonna be on my next blog entry. So thank you for reading, and if anyone decided to play rugby, please contact me. It is really fun playing rugby, like i said, it is a constructive thing to do to channel your stress or anger. So try Rugby !
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bermuda Triangle "The Deadly Triangle" History
“The region involved, a watery triangle bounded roughly by Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, measures less than a thousand miles on any one side.” . . .So George X. Sand introduced the Triangle to his readers in October 1952 in a short article for Fate magazine, entitled “Sea Mystery at our Back Door.” Sand’s article recounted the latest disappearance (the Sandra in 1950) and went on to discuss some of the other recent baffling mysteries like NC16002, Star Tiger and Star Ariel, aside from devoting most of the article to Flight 19. The Triangle remained a colloquial expression throughout the 1950s, employed by locals when another disappearance or unexplained crash happened. By the early 1960s, it had acquired the name The Deadly Triangle. In his 1962 book, Wings of Mystery, author Dale Titler also devoted pages in Chapter 14— “The Mystery of Flight 19”— to recounting the most recent incidents of disappearances and even began to ponder theories, such as electromagnetic anomalies and the ramifications of Project Magnet. His book would set the temper for Triangle discussions thereafter. (Just in April 1962 Allan W. Eckert had written a sensational piece in the American Legion Magazine on Flight 19 ((“The Mystery of the Lost Patrol”)) which introduced some of the most popular but erroneous dialogue purported coming from Flight 19, including lines like the ocean looks strange, all the compasses are going haywire, and that they could not make out any directions, “everything is strange.” This became a may pole for electromagnetic discussions). However, popularity on the subject was beginning to spread beyond the area of the Atlantic seaboard. But the moniker “Deadly Triangle” contained absolutely no geographic reference in it— in other words “Deadly Triangle” could be anywhere. Then in February 1964 Vincent Gaddis wrote an article for Argosy Magazine. The article was little different from others, though it added a few more recent cases like Marine Sulphur Queen. However, it was his title that finally clinched with the public: “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle.” Adding “Bermuda” finally materialized the location for everybody, though Gaddis clarified “in and about this area” many have disappeared. In his popular 1965 book Invisible Horizons, Gaddis devoted chapter 13 to “The Triangle of Death.” The concept of the Bermuda Triangle was spreading rapidly. Ironically, the first book published devoted to the subject was entitled Limbo of the Lost (1969) by John Spencer, in which he proposed the area had no real shape at all and elaborately tried to include the Gulf of Mexico as well as New Jersey. It sold in limited quantities, but was later reproduced in paperback in the early 1970s and did well. Dozens of magazine and newspaper articles came out in the early ‘70s, each author offering a general shape. Richard Winer proposed “The Devil’s Triangle” and extended it nearly to the Azores near Portugal. Ivan Sanderson was sure it was an oblong shape centered almost entirely north of Bermuda. But no book sold as well as Charles Berlitz’s 1974 bestseller, The Bermuda Triangle. Selling way over 5,000,000 copies in hardback, it became a phenomenon. Berlitz also cautioned about the exact shape, as had the others. But to this day Bermuda Triangle is deferred to for the same reason “Deadly Triangle” failed—there is simply no other name that calls to mind the general area as does Bermuda Triangle. But the vast popularity of the subject brought into vogue an art that is still trying to flourish today—debunking. Out of all the books that were published, only one remains in reprint today: Larry Kusche’s book The Bermuda Triangle Mystery— Solved.
If you want to know the list of aircrafts and ships lost in the Bermuda, you can go to the website.
Source :
Friday, September 12, 2008
Donate rice for charity only by answering question
Voltage-Stabilizer is Important
Example: a hard disk is working when voltage is going up or down (unstable), this may cause the hard disk reader unit (shaped like a needle pointer) movement disoriented and stratch the metal disc inside it. Of course the hard disk will be damaged. So it's necessary to use a voltage-stabilizer.
The pointer of voltmeter in my voltage-stabilizer often goes to left or right meaning that the voltage is not stable. How about the voltage in your home? If it is unstable like mine, better have a voltage-stabilizer installed.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Rhinos Has Arrive !
In 2007, the Rhinos did a lot better than they did the year before. They Won the Asian Regional Six Tournament in Brunei. After winnig all their matches against Laos 17-3, Cambodia 11-10, and Brunei 28-15. It was their first trophy. Even more recently, Indonesia hosted the tournament in 2008. The Tournament were held in Universitas Pelita Harapan. Indonesia Were Increadible in this tournament, they demolish Cambodia 55-3, and defeated Laos 23-11. In this year, most of the player are Indonesian. Most of them are my friends from Jakarta Banteng, it's the club that i play rugby with, like Yudha "the Man Mountain" Ramon, Boby Orlando, Fikri Al-Azhar. The top scorer for the Indonesian team was Kirk Aditya Arundale with 33 point in total.
If we look back to 2 years ago, Indonesia was defeated by Cambodia 30-7, yet today, they completely destroy Cambodia 55-3. That is what i like to call dramatic improvement. Other than the national teams, Indonesia also got a lot of clubs. There are about 3 clubs in Jakarta, those clubs are ISCI Komodo, ISCI Samurai and Jakarta Banteng. And there are also a club in Gosowong, Maluku and another in Sengata, Kalimantan. And we also have lots of Tournament. The most recent Tournament was the Bali Rugby Festival in 9-10 augustus. I was in that tournament, although my team lost pretty badly but it was a blast. I ended up cannot turn my head in any direction, my neck was really stiff. The next tournament is the Bali 10's International. It's in October. Hopefully, if i am fit and got picked, i could take a part in that tournament. But the competition for a place in the team are gonna be really hard. And also there are other tournament, like the Jakarta Series, ISCI 7's tournament and many others.
Well, i think i need to post another blog about the rules and regulation of rugby so i could tell you guys more about rugby. But if anyone read this blog, you are welcome to come practice with us at Senayan, Lapangan ABC every wednesday from 6.30-8.00 pm. It's free. So i would like you guys to come, and try out rugby for once. It is really fun, you get to hit other people for fun ! If you are in a fight with your friend or in any kind of stress, rugby is a constructive way to channel your anger. Bottom line is Rugby is fun ! So try it !
Source :
Food Journal : Pepper Lunch
Ps: I don’t find any interesting book on kino today so my reading must wait [don’t worry sir I have a lot of book that I haven’t finished yet].
if you want to see my blog site here the address:
Low Quality Products
I am sure that the problem is the optic has become weak and worn off. So I told the vendor to change the optic. But then he said that my PS2 is an old type, so it can't play a lot of games. He offered to trade in my PS2 plus 800.000 IDR with the new PS2 slim. I thought that the new PS2 could play all the game titles, so I agreed to do the trade in.
When I arrived at home with excitement, I tried to play my favourite game, Gundam. I was really shocked that the machine couldn't play it. Then I tried another game, Namco X Capcom. The same thing happened.
The next day I went back to Mangga Dua to tell the problem occured. The vendor agreed that the PS2 is broken and then he gave me the new one. I thought this would solve the problem.
That night something terrible happened, the new PS2 was broken. It couldn't be turned on. When That happened, I was getting frustated and confused...Is this because the new product's quality is low or did the vendor give me the broken PS2 intentionally?