Before going in to the rules and regulation, let me share a couple of general knowledge that you absolutely need to know in order to understand rugby. For those who are seriously interested in playing rugby, it's worth to take a note. I'm gonna explain about the golden rule in offense and defense, what is a ruck and what is a maul.
Let's start of with what is the golden rule in offense and this rule is also the golden rule in rugby. The golden rule is never ever pass the ball forward. It is the golden rule of rugby it self. If you know this rule than you can watch rugby and actually enjoy it. Because i remember in the past, when i watch rugby i used to frustrated. I mean, they keep trying to pass trough the defense by running straight. Why not just try to flank the defender from the side and one of our friends tha can pass the ball forward from wherever they are, much like in American football. But it never happened. So i used to get frustrated watching rugby because i think they are all stupid, but turn out i'm the one who is stupid. Because i don't kn
ow the rules. And when i understand the this rule, i can really enjoy watching rugby.
Move on to the second one, what is the golden rule in Defense ? If you are playing rugby, than you gonna hear people screaming about this rule a lot. The golden rule in defense is stay in one f***ing line. You are not gonna break any regulation if you are not in one line, but you will make it easy for your opponent to get pass your defense. Because the gap will be very clear. Your opponent can easily side step pass your defense, and run through your gap. That is why, it is essential to stay in one line in defense. If you guys watch old war movies like Gladiator or the patriot, they are also screaming about the same stuff in war, "stay in one line !". When i am playing rugby, sometimes i feel that i was in the battlefield of war.
The next one is about Ruck and Maul. My Coach said that 75% of a rugby game are made out of Ruck and Maul. He didn't said where did he get that statistic, but if you play rugby, you will understand why my coach said that. Because, it is pretty much what we do most of the time. For Definition, Ruck is formed when the ball is on the ground and one or more players from each team are on their feet and in physical contact, closing around the ball between them( and Maul is formed by one or more players from each team on their feet and in physical contact closing round a player who is carrying the ball( So basically, when you are watching a rugby game, and see a pile of people on the ground pushing each other, it is what you call a Ruck. And when you see a lot of people, i mean more than two, pushing each other while standing up, than what you see is a maul.
I still want to explain about line out and scrum, but i think that one is gonna be on my next blog entry. So thank you for reading, and if anyone decided to play rugby, please contact me. It is really fun playing rugby, like i said, it is a constructive thing to do to channel your stress or anger. So try Rugby !
Let's start of with what is the golden rule in offense and this rule is also the golden rule in rugby. The golden rule is never ever pass the ball forward. It is the golden rule of rugby it self. If you know this rule than you can watch rugby and actually enjoy it. Because i remember in the past, when i watch rugby i used to frustrated. I mean, they keep trying to pass trough the defense by running straight. Why not just try to flank the defender from the side and one of our friends tha can pass the ball forward from wherever they are, much like in American football. But it never happened. So i used to get frustrated watching rugby because i think they are all stupid, but turn out i'm the one who is stupid. Because i don't kn

Move on to the second one, what is the golden rule in Defense ? If you are playing rugby, than you gonna hear people screaming about this rule a lot. The golden rule in defense is stay in one f***ing line. You are not gonna break any regulation if you are not in one line, but you will make it easy for your opponent to get pass your defense. Because the gap will be very clear. Your opponent can easily side step pass your defense, and run through your gap. That is why, it is essential to stay in one line in defense. If you guys watch old war movies like Gladiator or the patriot, they are also screaming about the same stuff in war, "stay in one line !". When i am playing rugby, sometimes i feel that i was in the battlefield of war.
The next one is about Ruck and Maul. My Coach said that 75% of a rugby game are made out of Ruck and Maul. He didn't said where did he get that statistic, but if you play rugby, you will understand why my coach said that. Because, it is pretty much what we do most of the time. For Definition, Ruck is formed when the ball is on the ground and one or more players from each team are on their feet and in physical contact, closing around the ball between them( and Maul is formed by one or more players from each team on their feet and in physical contact closing round a player who is carrying the ball( So basically, when you are watching a rugby game, and see a pile of people on the ground pushing each other, it is what you call a Ruck. And when you see a lot of people, i mean more than two, pushing each other while standing up, than what you see is a maul.
I still want to explain about line out and scrum, but i think that one is gonna be on my next blog entry. So thank you for reading, and if anyone decided to play rugby, please contact me. It is really fun playing rugby, like i said, it is a constructive thing to do to channel your stress or anger. So try Rugby !
I Forgot to type the source !
It's from this website !
Last week I watch a match in TV about rugby, but I can't tell if the match is rugby or american football....
So Bay u, Can you tell me the differents between american football and rugby???
rugby doesn't use helmets or any kind of protection. American footbal is the one using those huge steel shoulder pad and big steel helmets as protector. Rugby doesn't use that.
Owh... I see... So that means american football is more crude than rugby..
you really loves rugby huh?
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