Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is the Capital Punishment Appropriate for Humanity?

Capital Punishment or usually people known as death penalty is an execution for people who did savage crimes. Capital Punishment is always become hot issue when perpetrator(s) is going to be punish by a court. Could their apology appeal granted? or the execution must not be stop? In Indonesia, the criminal could apply their clemency to the President. If President reject the criminals appeal, they could sue another amnesty to the court of law (Mahkamah Agung). Even though they have their right and chances to be free of capital punishment,almost most of them rejected both by President and Court of Law. What about the other countries? Among countries all over the world, almost all European, many Asia Pacific states (including: Australia, New Zealand, Timor Leste), Latin America (except Brazilia) and Canada have abolished this capital punishment also the latest country which abolish Capital Punishment is Gabon. In fact, South Africa is one of the most developing country also abolish Capital Punishment. As the result, there are many crimes of violation and rape over there. Is it means that Capital Punishment very helpful to decrease the crimes? However, no one of religions is allow people to kill another people including Capital Punishment. In Conclusion, even though perhaps Capital Punishment could decrease the crimes, it stills not appropriate for humanity because all the religions is prohibited their followers to kill each others.

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