Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ouija Board or "Jelangkung"

An ouija board can be constructed in the following way.
First place a piece of paper on which is written the alphabet on a table. Then prepare a small plate that is made of porcelain, gold, silver, or bronze. Mark an arrow on it. When this kind of psychic experiment is carried out by three people, each person has to place a hand lightly on the rim of the plate. Together they chant silently and reverently, "Spirit, please come forward to give us guidance." The hands only lightly touch the rim of the plate and do not exert any force. After a while the plate will start to spin and move automatically back and forth across the paper. This is an extremely accurate method when used to find out about past events. When this psychic experiment is carried out by a single person, a coin may be used instead. (If an ancient Chinese coin is used, a missing corner can be used to represent the head of an arrow.) After placing the hand lightly on the coin, one also chants silently and reverently to invite a spirit to come forward. After a spirit has come forward, the coin will start to move rapidly across the paper to answer any questions one may have in mind. One does not even have to voice the questions. In fact, it works just as well with one person placing the hand on the coin while another person stands aside asking the question. In this case, the person with the hand on the coin will not know what questions are asked, yet the result will be just as effective. Following this principle, objects such as desks, chairs, pencils, and chopsticks also can be used for the attachment of the spirits. Sounds like a joke of magic, but here in Indonesia we also has one similar like this called "Jelangkung". However, from my own experience which has been accumulated over a long period of time, several conditions must first be met.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Felix -
Thank you for this information. I have heard the word,"Jelangkung", in fact a friend was in the popular, (but not very good) movie of that name. But you say this is,"an extremely accurate method when used to find out about past events." I am sceptical about this. Perhaps the explanation is that the participants know or want to know the answer so much that they unconsciously move the plate.
Here's a link that shows the kind of Ouija board I've used.