Monday, July 14, 2008

ITB Students won IT competition in France

Antarmuka Team consists of students from Bandung Institute of Technology, each one with their own personal competence, working together to build an excellent project. Arief is an informatics Engineering student who has a lot of experience in programming and software design. Dimas is an Informatics Engineering student with qualified mathematical background. Ella is an Informatics Engineering student who is concerned about the environment. And Erga is a Visual Communication Design student who has some experience in multimedia design for computer games. Butterfly is an easy-to-use system for reporting environmental problems right away, which is developed to be accessible by everyone in the world. Butterfly ensures that a complete report of the problem would be sent immediately to the organization that is responsible in handling the problem. For its easy access, Butterfly supports a wide range of input, including SMS, phone call, website, and a downloadable application based on Windows Mobile. When Butterfly receives a report, it will classify the problem and prioritize it according to its importance. Afterward, it will determine where to send the report according to the origin (location) and the category of the problem. When the report is received by the organization, which is responsible in handling the problem, the organization can also send another report to Butterfly about what they do to solve the problem. In addition, Butterfly also shows the information that it receives in a website. Therefore, the information would be available for everyone. With its easy access, Butterfly can inform the public about environmental problems that currently exist.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Wow, The Butterfly sounds like a great tool, although I'm not sure if I fully understand how it works. But it is very good to hear that students are working on solutions to these serious problems. (This is a much more interesting blog than "Mama Mia"!)
Good job.