Friday, August 8, 2008


Smoking is an activity that some people are addicted to it , but some people are very against it.In this blog i would discuss the advantage and disadvantage of smokiing , first of all smoking as we all know is a bad habbit , why is it a bad habbit ? because the ciggarettes that we smoke contains toxic that is not good for health and could cause cancer , heart attack and other diseases.Dispite smoking has some bad effects to our health , i my self started smoking since i was at college and before i was a smoker , i was a very anti smoking person.My own experience of smoking was , i tried smoking ciggarettes at high school but i cough and i did'nt like it at all first and besides high school is not permitted to smoke by parents and the school it self.As i went to college , Binus international provides a smoking room and a back lobby to smoke , when i first enter college , many people go to this smoking room and back lobby , so i went their to , but unfortunately people smoke there so i tried smoking again and i found it comfortable because other people that is in the same room smoke to. Having something in common with the person in the room (smoking to) makes me easy to interact with these people , i found smoking helps me communicate with other people , even though this is just something in my personal belief but that's what i think about smoking.

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