Saturday, October 25, 2008

Programming Principles' Assignment is Haunting Me

Last Wednesday, Sir Charles Lim, with his big smile, said that we have to do another assignment for the next two weeks. The assignment consists of six programs: calendar, hexadecimal, power, mathemathic quiz, plane reservation, and maze. Unlike the last assignment, this one is very difficult to make, especially the maze and calendar program. I am sure that Sir Charles Lim is trying to make us partice doing programming so we can be good in it.
I want to finish the assignment as soon as I can, so the next day, I tried to do the programs which is easier to make. I have finished four programs ( mathematic quiz, hexadecimal, plane reservation, and power ). The nightmare started here, when I tried to make the maze program. It is very difficult so that I have been thinking about it too much. Maybe it is hard to believe, but I really get haunted with the feeling that I cannot finish the assigment. In Friday night, at 2 o'clock, I woke up from my sleep because I was really nerveous about the program. At that time, I tried to finish it until 3 o'clock. The result was, the program wasn't finished. It became a strange program which cannot stop its recursion.
The next day I tried to make the calendar program. It really made me mad that I crashed a lot of time. Fortunately, Steven, who is really skillful in programming, has finished it, so I can ask him about the program. Tomorrow I will see the calendar program which made by Steven. I hope I can make it too.


Steven said...

don't overestimated me, chriz. I'm not that good actually. I just know sooner.

Resa said...

i haven't tried any of it
you guys are so fast

Arth Avant Azurfa said...

I haven't done anything... TxT

Fahmi said...

how come YOU!!.... ah... i'm hopeless T_T

Andrew Winata said...

oh my god!!!this is so rarely happen!!christian is a robot!!!he must be able to do anything about programming!!!