Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tech Journal : The New Ipod Nano-Chromatic

Well this is something that i will dying to get my hands on for this month, the new Ipod nano-chromatic (actually half of me already died when my parents give me the green light to get one). The "Pod" that came out recently is a 9 cm in height, almost 4 cm in width, and only 6 mm in depth digital jukebox (with a 8 or 16 gig worth of music ) that can indulge you in a 24 hours journey to your own private music paradise (but if you sync your Pod with 2000 songs worth of recorded lecture that is another story). This Jukebox can play 2000 song, 7000 picture, 8 hours worth of movies for the 8 gigabyte or just double it for the 16 gigabyte big brother. The new thing about this new generation of IPod is it is motion sensitive if you shake it it will shuffle the music ( well talking about shaking to the groove ), and you can also change the screen orientation by turning the IPod to the side. It also have games (wohoo. great job Steve, Bringing the game to the Pod), the games is a special IPod games that also motion sensitive. The down part is IT ISN'T HERE YET(really frustrating) the guys (and gals) at Ibox say it will arrived soon(but they don't say how soon).


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