Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spooky Cat!!!

Today when I went out for dinner, walking out from my boarding house, I heard something weird. I checked it and I saw 2 cats fought with their sound, haven't started physical fight. 1 cat was meowing at the other cat at high tone. It sounded like, "Myaaaaaawww.....!!!!", like usual. While the other one sounded like, "Huuuaaaaaaauuuwww....!!!!". Of course if you use cat ascent, that sound will more like a cat sound, but the sound is like a 5-year-old boy's sound. Well, I decided to ignore it and went eat because I was hungry already. By the time I got back, they were gone already. Hiyaaa!!! Scary!!! Well, it wasn't very scary, I just felt a little bit spooky and weird because I have never heard a cat sound like that, hehehe.


Resa said...

actually, i often heard kittens sound like a baby...

Arth Avant Azurfa said...

wogh, maybe it's a human baby spirit in a kitten body, hehehe...