Sunday, July 20, 2008


Mayan propechy told us that earth will be destroyed in 2012. The Sumerian story told about planet Nibiru that will cause great disasters on all over the world. They predicted that the planet comes back once every 3600 years, that's why the earth has got deep impacts 3600 years ago where dynasty Xia gone in China, the falling of the Middle Old Egypt, the Dark era in Mesapotamia, the falling of Harrapan in India, the falling of Minoan, etc. All of those disasters happen in 1650 years before the Christian Calendar. 3150 years before the Christian Calendar there was a big flood. About 5310 before Christian Calendar, there was a sudden refrigeration climate in the Holocene Periodic. About 8900 before Christian Calendar, there was a big global warming that causes dilution in the poles of earth (interglacial period) and many big disasters comes to the earth every 3600 years. The minor planet will come back and disturbs our gravitation in the earth in 2012. Now, this planet is on the way to go into the universe. The next return is in 2012, it will causes many disasters and terors in our place according to the prediction. Japanese scientists named Patrick Lykawa and Tadashi Mukai from Kobe University has found a minor planet that has an orbit to the sun with an extreme line outside the universe, but they still not sure if the planet that they has found is Nibiru or not. Nevertheless, it is still a prediction, even this prediction sounds very bad for us, we can still pray and do the best to our home.

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