Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Keep Your Eyes' Health

Have you ever thought that our eyes are really important? Can you imagine what happen if we don't have eyes? It will be horrible because we won't be able to see all of beautiful things. So keep your eyes healthy.
As computer scientists, we have to stay in front of our computer for a long time. You will eventually feel that your eyes are fatigued and your eyesight worsened.
Good news, I have found a useful software to answer that problem. It is called Eyesprotector. It's a freeware that you can download from the website I included below. It works as a reminder when we are using computer. If we use the computer for a period of time, set by the software, It will remind us to take a break or doing eyes gymnastics. The eyes gymnastics is really interesting. It shows a person's face doing eyes gymnastics, such as closing eyes, and winking.
I have been using this software for one week and I will always use it to keep my eyes healthy.
It is free and essential for us, so try it!

Source: http://www.eyesprotector.com/

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