Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Love Takoyaki !!

Today's class schedule is the same as Friday's; so, we finished our class early at 9.30 am. After intro to IT's class, some of my friends were going to somewhere for their packet c program. Today I decided to try eating takoyaki in Senayan City. I don't like going alone, so I ask my friends to accompany me. At around 9.45 am, I, Hartanto, Resa, and Leonard went to Senayan City. We had to wait until 10.00 am because Senayan City opens at that time.
As soon as the building opened, we went into it. Before going to the food court, we accompanied Leonard to the bank. What he did was refilling his Flazz card. Then, we took the escalator to go to the food court. I quickly went to Okirobox's counter and ordered a box of octopus takoyaki. It was dissapointing that my takoyaki was so slow to be prepared. When the others had started eating, I still waited for my food. When it's ready, the takoyaki looked so appetizing with mayonnaise and some dried fish on the top of it. The smell was good too. So, I didn't hesistate to put them into my mouth. It was so delicious ! I really like the sauce, which I don't know what it is, and the outer part of takoyaki which is so soft.
In short, I like the taste of Okirobox's takoyaki. I just a bit dissapointed about how long it took to be cooked. Leonard informed me that there is a delicious takoyaki in Kelapa Gading. I will definitely try that one !


Arth Avant Azurfa said...

but it is a little bit hollow inside, isn't it? not really solid

Michael Lasmana said...

i love takoyaki too..
always eat it whenever go to SC food court..