Sunday, November 30, 2008

Movie Review: Twilight

Heres another movie review by me, now that we have a bit more free time as the mid exams are finished, I've been going to the cinemas a lot more. On Saturday, I was lucky enough to get tickets for the midnight showing of Twilight. For those of you who do not know, Twilight is a movie based on a very popular young adult novel of the same name. The film is probably one of the most hyped up and most anticipated movies of this year, especially for the young teenagers who are huge fans of the book. I do read the books, however I don't count myself as one of the crazy fans who absolutely love the book. I must say that there are many flaws to it but it is quite enjoyable and a pretty light read.

The story centers around a teenage girl name Bella who moves to a small town. There, she finds herself drawn to a mysterious classmate named Edward Cullen, who is revealed to be an imortal vampire, but is physically seventeen. At first Edward is against starting a relationship with Bella, but then they end up falling in love. Of course there are complications, the biggest of which is when another group of vampires arrive and puts Bella's life in danger.

I really enjoyed the film, I think it really stays true to the books. The casting was also excellent, each actor played the characters well. If you enjoyed the book than there is no doubt that you would like the film. On the other hand for those who don't read it, you might also like it, theres action, a love story, a little comedy, a good looking cast (especially Edward) and a pretty decent story line. One of the coolest scenes in my oppinion is the baseball scene. So if you have a chance, go see it, you might end up loving it. It will probably start normal showtimes next weekend.

FYI: There will be a sequel based on the next book New Moon, as the movie did very well in the U.S box office.

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