Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Activities Today, 30th October 2008

This morning, our class had to do presentation which had been prepared from the last two weeks. One group consists of two or three people. I was in one group with Resa. Our presentation's topic was about robotic which is very interesting for us. From definition to some statistics, we included them in our presentation. I am glad that we can do the presentation well without any difficulty. The other groups are doing well too. From the presentations bought by the other groups I learned a lot of things which I didn't know before, such as satellite, iPod, internet security, and the others.
As the Academic English class ended, I planned to have lunch in canteen. Usually I go to canteen together with Resa and Hartanto, but at that time I thought Resa was still busy with his presentaion group for Intro to IT. So I went to canteen with Hartanto. Suddenly, Hartanto declined to eat in the canteen, and then he went to somewhere I don't know. While I was eating my lunch, I met Winston, Michael, Henry, and Steven Winarto. They were having lunch there too.
After lunch, we decided to play until the workshop begin. We had a difficulty to find a spot where we can play together comfortably, until we found an empty table on the third floor. In 1 pm, the workshop started. Today's workshop was really fun. We just have to make vocabularies as much as we can.

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